Marie Goth

female 1887-1975
20th Century
Life city:
Indianapolis, IN
Work city:
Nashville, IN
Still Lifes
We're very interested in buying artwork by Marie Goth.
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re: Marie Goth

A renowned Indiana portrait painter, Marie Goth grew up in Indianapolis, where at a young age she received great encouragement from her father to pursue artistic endeavors. She attended Manual High School, where Otto Stark (her father's cousin) was head of the art department. Marie's artistic talents were nurtured under the mentorship of Stark, and she received student awards while at Manual. After graduation, she attended John Herron Art Institute. She received scholarships to the Art Students League in New York and spent a few years studying primarily portraiture there. It was in New York that she met and fell in love with V. J. Cariani. Cariani enlisted in the Army in 1917 and Goth returned to Indianapolis in 1919. Cariani, who was enduring depression after his stint at war, was induced to come work for the Goth family business in Indianapolis. A few years later (around 1923) Marie and her sister Genevieve bought a cabin in Nashville and shortly thereafter, Cariani also moved to his own cabin in Nashville. The three, along with Genevieve's future husband Carl Graf, traipsed around the Brown County foliage as bohemian painters do. Goth and Cariani were never married but were lifelong partners and painters who lived out their lives painting in Brown County. Marie was a member of many associations, including the National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors, the Hoosier Salon, the Brown County Art Guild, among others. She exhibited nearly every year at the Hoosier Salon from 1925 through 1975. Marie's younger sister Genevieve Goth, a very good artist in her own right, married Nashville (cum Bedford) artist Carl Graf.

Still Life with Roses Mr. Walter C. Holmes Floral Still Life Geraldine

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