Alberta Rehm Shulz

female 1892-1980
20th Century
Life city:
Nashville, IN
Work city:
Nashville, IN
A. Shulz
C. Curry Bohm
We're very interested in buying artwork by Alberta Rehm Shulz.
Drop us a note on your art or call the gallery (317) 253-5910.
re: Alberta Rehm Shulz

Alberta Rehm Miller was a woman who found herself recently divorced and heading back home to Indianapolis from Texas in 1922. Alberta had taken art instruction, on and off, at various universities and the reputation of the Brown County art colony picqued her interest. After spending some time with her parents in Indianapolis, Alberta and her friend Marie Goth rented a rustic cabin from Mary Vawter and the two apprarently enjoyed a great summer of painting together. Alberta sought out the established artists in Nashville and wound up striking up a relationship with Adolph Shulz who was 23 years her senior. Adolph Shulz provided her with regular instruction and their relationship deepened. Unfortunately during the time Alberta was studying with Adolph, his own relationship with his wife Ada was deteriorating. Possibly due to the Shulz's loss of their son Walter. Regardless, in 1926 Adolph divorced Ada and married Alberta about a month later. Alberta was known for her broken pallete, impressionistic landscapes of Brown County. Paintings that look very similar to those of Adolph. And Alberta was always very conscious of her debt to her husband's instruction. As Alberta said herself, "I owe my painting skill to [Adolph]. I could never have accomplished what I have had it not been for his help and encouragement." She was very reluctant to even discuss her own work but always ready with praise for Adolph's work. Source: _Skirting the Issue: Stories of Indiana's Historical Women Artists_ By Judith Vale Newton and Carol Ann Weiss We're very interested in purchasing paintings by Alberta Rehm Shulz. Please contact us if you have pieces which you are considering selling.

Mountain Road in North Georgia Spring Melody Cabin Along the Creek

Can you tell us more about the life or art of Alberta Rehm Shulz? Please contact us if you can add to our biography.

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