James Topping
male | 1879-1948 |
20th century |
Life city:
Cleater Moor, |
Work city:
Chicago, IL |
Teachers: John Adamson Louis Wilson |
Styles: Landscapes Paintings Watercolors |
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James Topping.
Drop us a note on your art or call the gallery (317) 253-5910.
Drop us a note on your art or call the gallery (317) 253-5910.
James Topping was born in 1879 in Cleator Moor, England. He first studied art at the Cumberland Technical School of Art and then, after immigrating to the United States, at the Art Institute of Chicago. He lived and worked in the Chicago area, participating in many local, regional, and national art exhibitions until his death in 1948.
Can you tell us more about the life or art of James Topping? Please contact us if you can add to our biography.