Blanche Stillson

female 1889-1977
20th Century
Life city:
Indianapolis, IN
Work city:
Indianapolis, IN
Woodblock Prints
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re: Blanche Stillson

Blanche Stillson was born in Indianapolis in 1889. She initially considered herself a painter until she became familiar with wood-block printing. She quickly became well-known throughout the city as a talented printer who specialized in architectural renderings. In addition to her printing efforts and regular participation in art exhibitions, Blanch taught art extensively. She began her teaching career at the John Herron Art Institute, then Shortridge High School, followed by Butler University. Blanche also wrote a weekly art column for a local newspaper for several years. Blanche was also an avid amateur bird watcher. This interest led to a book, Wings: Insects, Birds, Men, which examined the varied roles wings have played in evolution and society. The book even gained national attention, garnering critical praise from the Book-of-the-Month Club News. Source: Skirting the Issue, by Newton and Hendricks

Portrait of a Woman Sunning Boats Shaded Cabin Winter Evening

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