Beatrice Musetta (Stoddard) Stoddardt

female 1874-1961
20th Century
Life city:
Indianapolis, IN
Work city:
Indianapolis, IN
R. Johonnot
Maud Mason
We're very interested in buying artwork by Beatrice Musetta (Stoddard) Stoddardt.
Drop us a note on your art or call the gallery (317) 253-5910.
re: Beatrice Musetta (Stoddard) Stoddardt

Beatrice Osler was born in Carson City, Iowa in 1874. She studied at the Art Institute of Chicago and the John Herron Art Institute in Indianapolis. Beatrice also studied with Charles W. Hawthorne, Maude Mason, and E. Ambrose Webster in Provincetown; in addition to Brandt Steele in Indianapolis. She participated in a variety of group shows in Indiana and numerous Hoosier Salons in Chicago throughout the 1920s, -30s, and -40s. In addition, Beatrice received the Silver Medal and Diploma in 1915 for her submission in the Panama-Pacific International Exposition. Beatrice moved with her first husband from Indianapolis to Nashville, IN. She was widowed in 1928, and moved back to Indianapolis following her second marriage, to William R. Van Valenberg, in 1936. She was heavily involved in local education after her return becoming the art supervisor of the Marion County public schools in Indianapolis, and the head of the art department at Indiana Central College in Indianapolis. Source: Skirting the Issue, by Newton and Weiss

Fauvist Landscape Brown County Autumn Landscape Snowy Brown County Winter

Can you tell us more about the life or art of Beatrice Musetta (Stoddard) Stoddardt? Please contact us if you can add to our biography.

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