Dorothy M. Frantz
female | 1904-1972 |
Life city:
Chicago, IL |
Work city:
Nashville, IN |
Styles: Landscapes Paintings Still Lifes Watercolors |
We're very interested in buying artwork by
Dorothy M. Frantz.
Drop us a note on your art or call the gallery (317) 253-5910.
Drop us a note on your art or call the gallery (317) 253-5910.
Dorothy Frantz was a native of Chicago and maintained a studio in the Village Green Building in Nashville, IN. She used Brown County for most of her subject matter. She instructed art classes in both Chicago and Brown County. Her art hangs in many private and public collections including numerous school collections in Illinois and Indiana. We're interested in purchasing pieces by Dorothy Frantz. Please contact us if you have paintings you are considering selling.
Can you tell us more about the life or art of Dorothy M. Frantz? Please contact us if you can add to our biography.