John William (Will) Vawter 1871-1941
The Snow Cloud
Oil on Canvas
24 x 29 inches
Signed lower right
Recently cleaned and conserved. Contains in-painting throughout, most heavily in the upper sky region. Some fracturing of paint but painting is stable and in overall good condition. Antique, hand-leafed custom reproduction frame.
This painting was featured in our weekly email on 4/8/2016 with the following gallery comments:
Will Vawter grew up in Greenfield and was largely self-taught. He moved to Brown County in 1908 and after divorcing his wife Mary, moved into Nashville proper in the early 1920s. The fact that he didn’t undertake much in the way of formal instruction is amazing as he was an accomplished etcher/printmaker, illustrator and of course is beloved for his Brown County landscapes. It’s one of those landscapes that we present today – The Storm Cloud – a rare winter landscape. Vawter, as was his style, working with the sunlight and its luminous effect. The canvas has great depth and I love the treatment of light on the stream -- what appears to be utterly nonsensical at close a perspective, resolves itself to the perfect touch with perspective. That’s exactly what the sun is doing in its reflection on the water! The painting has been cleaned and conserved and there is minor in-painting throughout and the upper left area contains areas of loss which have been restored. There is minor crazing in the upper region of the canvas, consistent with age. Housed in a hand-leafed custom reproduction frame and ready to hang. A beloved Hoosier native son, his talents on full display in an important Brown County winter landscape.
-Curt Churchman
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