Dale (Philip) Bessire 1893-1974
Brown County Autumn Lane
Oil on Canvas
20 x 24 inches
Signed Lower Left
This painting was featured in our weekly email on 11/11/16 along with the following gallery comments:
Welcome to the politic-free art zone. Today’s painting is by Dale Bessire. Bessire was a native of Indianapolis and studied art at John Herron as well as studying business at the University of Chicago. Interesting to note he was attending Herron at the same time as Frank Hohenberger, Carl Graf and John Wesley Hardrick according to Herron records of 1913. He moved to Brown County in 1914 and remained there the rest of his life, painting and operating an orchard just north of Nashville. Today’s work Brown County Autumn Lane (our title) is right out of the Bessire playbook. It’s very soft in tone with heavy use of a palette knife and representing a classic Bessire motif: road through the foliage-lined forest. It’s housed in the original frame. Both the painting and the frame went through light cleaning and conservation, were reunited and the piece is now sparkling and ready to hang. A classic Brown County work from one of Brown County’s well-collected painters.
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